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  1. Irrigation systems and Different methods for Watering Your Garden |

    Category: Flower Articles/Gardening

    Always prefer those irrigation systems which make the use of water as little as possible. Not because water is precious and one can not get it wasted, but because only the proper amount of water distribution ...
    Monday, 23 November 2009
  2. Help for the Hardy |

    Category: Flower Articles/Gardening

    Heather is generally hardy, to the point where floral handlers along the chain of distribution may tend to take it for granted. Another reason growers, wholesalers and florists alike may tend to neglect ...
    Thursday, 30 July 2009
  3. Control Your Market and Be Able to Demand the Prices that you Deserve

    Category: Flower Articles/Gardening

    Well how do you command the prices you want? What if you developed your own chain of distribution and had preorders for your produce? Is it possible to do that? If you did, you certainly would both control ...
    Tuesday, 16 June 2009
  4. Starry Campion Silene Stellata Pink Family

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ... in whorls of 4 around stem, or loose ones opposite. Preferred Habitat - Woods, shady banks. Flowering Season - June-August. Distribution - Rhode Island westward to Mississippi, south to the Carolinas ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009
  5. Trumpet Flower Trumpet Creeper

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ... August-September. Distribution - New Jersey and Pennsylvania, westward to Illinois, and soutb to the Gulf States. Occasionally escaped from gardens farther north. From early May untll the middle of October, ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009
  6. Cardinal Flower Red Lobelia

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ... sessile. Preferred Habitat - Wet or low ground, beside streams, ditches, and meadow runnels. Flowering Season - July-September. Distribution - New Brunswick to the Gulf States, westward to the Northwest ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009
  7. Coral or Trumpet Honeysuckle

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ... Habitat - Rich, light, warm soil; hillsides, thickets. Flowering Season - April-September. Distribution - Connecticut, westward to Nebraska, and south to the Gulf States. Occasionally escaped from cultivation ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009
  8. Yellow Star Grass

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ... Distribution - From Maine far westward, and south to the Gulf of Mexico. Usually only one of these little blossoms in a cluster on each plant opens at a time; but that one peers ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009
  9. Blackberry Lily

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ... hills. Flowering Season - June-July.  Distribution - Connecticut to Georgia, westward to Indiana and Missouri. How many beautiful foreign flowers, commonly grown in our gardens here, ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009
  10. Yellow Fringed Orchis

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ... Slender, leafy, 1 to 2 1/2 feet high. Leaves: Lance-shaped, clasping. Preferred Habitat - Moist meadows and sandy bogs. Flowering Season - July-August. Distribution - Vermont to Florida; Ontario to Texas. ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009
  11. Greater Green Orchis

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ... moist woods in mountainous regions, especially near evergreens. Flowering Season - July-August. Distribution - From British Columbia to the Atlantic; eastern half of the United States southward to the ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009
  12. Showy lady's slipper

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ... - June-September. Distribution - Nova Scotia to Georgia, westward to the Mississippi. Chiefly North. Quite different from the showy orchis, is this far more chaste showy lady's slipper ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009
  13. Meadow Beauty

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ... Habitat - Sandy swamps or near water. Flowering Season - July-September. Distribution - United States, chiefly east of Mississippi. Suggesting a brilliant magenta evening primrose ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009
  14. Moccasin Flower

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ... Habitat - Deep, rocky, or sandy woods. Flowering Season - May June. Distribution - Canada southward to North Carolina, westward to Minnesota and Kentucky. Because most people cannot ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009
  15. White Avens

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ... in an elongated, hooked style. Preferred Habitat - Woodland borders, shady thickets and roadsides. Flowering Season - June-September. Distribution - Nova Scotia to Georgia, west to the Mississippi or beyond. ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009
  16. Pickerel-weed (Pontederia cordata)

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ... in. long, 2 to 6 in. across base. Preferred Habitat - Shallow water of ponds and streams. Flowering Season - June-October. Distribution - Eastern half of United States and Canada.    ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009
  17. Water Lily

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ... families in an order that is cosmopolitan in distribution but restricted to freshwater habitats. In addition to being of aquatic habit, members of the order are characteristically herbaceous (nonwoody) ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009
  18. Roses

    Category: Flower Articles/Flowers

    ...  Rose, common name for a medium-size family of flowering plants with many important fruit and ornamental species, and for its representative genus. Worldwide in distribution, the rose family contains ...
    Friday, 22 May 2009

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Flower Poems

The Bent Flower
There once was a flower,
Who, at an untimely hour,
Began to crook to one side.

The poor little flower,
Would no longer tower,
In the field full of green grass and snow.

But from yonder came a man,
With nothing but a pan,
And sat by the badly bent flower.

And the man sat with the flower day and night,
Helping it get through its plight,
But came the following day.

That within an hour,
The man who sat with the flower,
Was gone like night during day.

Tro Missaelian



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